Intuitive Eating

Have a look at the image above. If you have to pick one, which one would you pick and why? Pay attention to any thoughts, feelings or emotions that come up for you.

If you’re answer was “whatever I’m in the mood for”, then you are already listening to your body cues and you probably don’t need my help. If you said, the apple because it’s healthier, then consider where this thought came from. Is it years of diet-mentality that have trained your thoughts and so now they have trained your behaviours?

What if you really wanted chocolate but said to yourself “no, I need to be good” so you eat the apple. After a little while, you grab something else from the pantry. Maybe a handful of nuts. Did that satisfy your chocolate craving? Nope! So you make yourself some toast with jam, thinking that maybe you’re just craving something sweet. Nope! Still not it. How long does this continue before you’ve had way more than your body needs simply because you didn’t have the piece of chocolate you wanted in the first place?

What if you could satisfy your craving while nourishing your body at the same time? That’s where Intuitive Eating comes in.

What is Intuitive Eating?

Intuitive Eating is an evidenced-based model with a mind-body health approach created by two dietitians, Evelyn Tribole and Elyse Resch in 1995. The model has 10 underlying guidelines that either cultivate or remove obstacles to body awareness, a process known as interoceptive awareness. Essentially, Intuitive Eating is a personal process of honoring health by listening and responding to the direct messages of the body in order to meet your physical and psychological needs.

The principles are as follows

  1. Reject the Diet Mentality
  2. Honour your hunger
  3. Make peace with food
  4. Challenge the Food Police
  5. Discover the Satisfaction Factor
  6. Feel your Fullness
  7. Cope with your Emotions with Kindness
  8. Respect your Body
  9. Movement- Feel the difference
  10. Honour your health with Gentle Nutrition

If you would like a full copy of the intuitive eating principles, you can download a copy by going to the intuitive eating website and looking under the resources tab. (click here to be redirected)

What Intuitive Eating is NOT?

Intuitive Eating is not a diet or food plan. There is no counting of anything; calories, macros, points, meals and so forth. Period.  It is NOT a weight loss plan nor will it ever be about weight loss. Yes, your body might go through some changes, you might lose weight, you might gain weight, or you might stay the same. While you might see some short-term benefits of weight loss, the research suggests that dieting will actually lead to weight gain in the long run. The opposite of what you were trying to do in the first place! isn’t that insane? Additionally, focusing on weight oftens leads to body dissatisfaction, stress, anxiety, depression, and many other negative health impacts.

It’s really a journey of self-discovery where you will learn to nourish your body (and mind) and as such, there is no right or wrong way in this process. Intuitive Eating believes that we all have inner wisdom that we can tap into to know when we’re hungry, when we’re full, satisfied, tired, when you need a mental break, and so forth. You are the master of your life. Intuitive Eating gives you the tools and the space to connect to your inner voice and remove the obstacles that block you from tuning in. Free yourself from dieting. Free yourself from unrealistic societal pressures and standards.

Unleash your beautiful soul. Return to the true you.

If you would like begin your intuitive eating journey with me, please see my package prices below.

8-Week Package

This is a personalised 8-week package where I will guide you through the principles of intuitive eating while you are on your self-discovery journey. I will help you to identify diet-culture and any diet-mentality thoughts that may be blocking you from connecting to your inner wisdom. We will discuss what hunger, fullness and satisfaction mean to you. I will help you make peace with food and learn to manage your emotions through the lens of kindness and compassion. I will help you to reconnect with movement, or to give yourself permission not to exercise if that is what is required. Ultimately, you’re developing the habits, tools and skills you need to be your best self, to liberate yourself from diet-culture and to come to a place where you can respect your body.

The individualised package includes:

  • An initial 90 minute consultation + 7 x 45minute 1-1 video/phone calls
  • Handouts and activities that help you to improve your interoceptive awareness
  • Unlimited email support
  • Session notes summary with additional prompts/ resources
  • Discuss goal setting
  • Discuss the intuitive eating principles and how they tie into your life.

12-week Package

This is a personalised 12-week package for the woman who is truly committed to taking her wellbeing to the next level. Here, we go through the the principles of intuitive eating, identifying diet-culture and any diet-mentality thoughts that may be blocking you from connecting to your inner wisdom. Discussing what hunger, fullness and satisfaction mean to you. Making peace with food, managing your emotions, practicing kindness and compassion towards yourself. Reconnecting with movement or not. Learning to self-care, because when your cup is full, you can serve others with the overflow. And ultimately, to give yourself unconditional permission to be your energetically vibrant self!

The individualised package includes:

  • An initial 90 minute consultation + 11 x 45minute 1-1 video/phone calls
  • Handouts and activities that help you to improve your interoceptive awareness
  • Unlimited email support
  • Discuss goal setting
  • Discuss the intuitive eating principles and how they tie into your life.
  • Session notes summary with additional prompts/ resources

8 Week Package = $640 upfront (or pay 8 weekly instalments of $85)

12 weeks Package = $960 upfront (or pay 12 weekly instalments of $85)

Not ready to commit to a package? No worries! You can contact me for a FREE 15 minute consultation or you might be interested in a one-off clarity session. To book your free mini call, click the Book Now button below.Book now

If you would like to know more about either of the packages, please submit your details via the contact page by clicking hereAlternatively, you can get in contact with me via the Facebook page by clicking here.

The information on this page has been extracted from the Intuitive Eating Website. If you would like to know more about Intuitive Eating or need any other resources, please click here to be redirected.

Annabella Bikesic was trained by the original intuitive eating Pros and is a registered Intuitive Eating Counsellor. To search on the intuitive eating website, click here