Services and Packages

There are a range of services and packages to suit all needs, whether you wish do a shorter challenge or whether you would like to dedicate a little more time to your wellness in more of a personal setting. To help you decide, you may want to ask yourself the following questions.

  • How big is the issue I wish to solve?
  • How much time am I willing to dedicate to this issue?
  • How much money am I willing to dedicate to this issue?
  • Who is counting on me to be on my A-game?
  • How important/urgent is it that I make these changes now?
  • Who am I doing this for?
  • How long has this been an issue? (generally, the longer it’s been an issue, the longer it will take to resolve)

Click through the drop down menu to read more about each of the available programs/ packages.


If you would like to book a FREE 15 minute consultation to see if these packages are right for you, submit your request through the contacts page, click here, and we will be in touch with your shortly.