Keep calm….School is back!!! 6 tips to help keep you calm.

Just Breathe….

Hey there Muma,

You know that school is almost back in session and if you’re like me you’re probably feeling mixed emotions. On the one hand… YAAAAAAAYYY….. you no longer need to constantly be entertaining your kids and taking them out and spending lots of money (coz kids are expensive am i right?). On the other hand, you know it means the crazy schedule is about to kick into 5th gear!

I’m talking school drop offs, school pick ups, dropping off the kids at their extra curricular activities like swimming, gymnastics, taekwondo, soccer, tutoring, piano lessons… OMG the list goes on not to mention that you might have to work, cook, clean, maybe even take care of other loved ones and manage life in between.

I’m exhausted just thinking about it.

So many feelings of overwhelm, running around like a maniac and feelings of always being rushed.

But does it have to be this way?… everyone has assumed that it’s just the normal when you’re a parent. But what if it wasn’t? What if you could actually keep all you’re doing but feel like your in a steady flow state?

What????? is that even possible?……. Absolutely!

I’m not saying it’s going to be easy. It’ll take some commitment on your part but it is totally worth it. The key here is TIME MANAGEMENT!

Here you say, “but Bella, I’m already really effective with my time and i still feel flustered week to week and can’t possibly be doing any more than i already am” to which i reply……

“have you really sat down and looked at where your time is going and how long it actually takes you to do your tasks?”

let me ask you this….

  • How much time do you spend on social media every day?
  • How much time do you spend looking at your phone-yes even for the most mundane things
  • How much time do you spend on online shopping?
  • Checking emails that may not even be work related?
  • How long does it take you to cook Dinner every day?
  • How long does it take you to do shopping because you don’t know what you’re having for dinner for the week?
  • Is it something you don’t enjoy doing e.g. washing clothes and so you procrastinate?
  • How much TV do you watch? Netflix? Foxtel? etc.
  • How much time do you spend arguing about stupid little things because you’re angry and tired and bored of doing monotonous house chores?

While the answers to these questions might not be ones you like, know that you have a choice. I’ll use Marie Forleo’s words here because i think they’re really fitting for this conversation:

If it’s important enough, I’ll make the time. If not, I’ll make an excuse. It’s never about having the time. It’s about making the time.”

Marie Forleo

So now to counteract the crazy, lets be practical and find solutions. Here are 6 tips to keep you calm.

  • Monitor how much time you spend on electronic devices, TV, phone, tablet, checking emails and what have you. Log it in a diary or on a piece of paper. I think you’ll be surprised by the results. This could be sucking some serious time out of your day.
  • Can you ask for help? If the kids are old enough maybe you can get them to do some of the chores around the house to buy you some time. Maybe you can get hubby to pick up one of the kids from whatever activity they’ve got or even school drop off/pick up.
  • Could you plan a weekly schedule of what you’re having for dinner throughout the week beforehand so you can go to the shops, buy all you need and get out of there quick smart. Batch cook so you only need to cook a few times a week.
  • Maybe it’s helpful to have a schedule so everyone knows what is going on for the week and you can plan and prep ahead of time. Communicate with your family and let them know where you may need their help or cooperation.
  • You might even batch cook for the kids lunches e.g. zucchini muffins or healthy muesli bars that can go in their lunchbox. If you need some inspiration on lunchbox ideas you can visit my previous post here.
  • Finally, prioritizing your to-do list in order of what HAS to be done first, to things that can wait last. This way the important things get done and whatever didn’t get done can roll over to the next day if it is important. If it’s not important, SCRATCH IT OFF THE LIST! you don’t need any more boring tasks added on to your list than you’ve already got. Let’s work to shorten that bad boy!

Once you start to implement some of these little tips, you’ll notice your time-management throughout the week improves. This means you’ll be able to scratch off more things off your to-do list which eventually leads to more time doing other things you love or at the very least, feeling less stress, pressure or rushed from week to week.

If you want to find your steady flow state, then you have to put in the time. ONLY YOU CAN MAKE IT HAPPEN!

You’ve got this girl…..!

Comment below and let me know what worked and what didn’t for you and if you liked this post please share.

Here’s to a smooth Term 1, 2020
